Volume 16 (August 27, 2021)

MC Spotlight

From this small beginning it was shown to me to be like streams of light that went clear round the world. EGW, LS 125




Three Amazing Women of Prayer

Japan is one of the most difficult countries to reach with the gospel message. That’s why the world church invited a group of Japanese pastors to go to the Philippines to hold evangelistic meetings—some for the very first time—with the hopes they would return to Japan and hold their own series there. The plan was a success, but what we didn’t mention is that three courageous women—with no ministerial training—also felt called to join them and preach their own evangelistic series. Here is a short video of their stories. It reminds us, once again, that God calls not only those who are talented and able to do a task, but He enables all who are willing to go when He calls—and the results will amaze us every time!


To watch, click here!


Do It Together

2021 NAD Sabbath School Convention

Do It Together - Sabbath School Convention 2021 is the first annual event of its kind, sponsored by the North American Division Adult, Children's and Youth Ministries focusing on doing Sabbath School together in a unified way. This event is designed to train leaders for in service and to update teaching techniques and connection with student and teacher. Join us as we Do It Together in Sabbath School.



News / Events / Resources


Dear Friend, 

If you want to be a part of this great experience and have your family and friends participate, visit our website at https://rationmeal.adra.ca/

~ADRA Canada Team


Conference Resignation

After four years in service to the Maritime Conference and God's call to her role as Executive Secretary/Education Superintendent/ Camp Ministries/Communications, Teresa Ferreira has tendered her resignation. She has felt honoured to serve this membership, and is confident God's ever-guiding hand will continue to be upon the future of her home conference. She considers her ministry for God to be the lifeblood of her very soul, and challenges people to hold fast to Psalm 16:8 and “not be moved”.  Very simply, she leaves this challenge to the Maritimes' peoples - we all must be committed to the remnant cause of service that others may know our Jesus!

Conference Hire

Michael Hall began his walk with the Lord at the age of 18 in 2008 and was impressed early on to pursue a path in pastoral ministry. In 2011 he headed to Burman University to complete his BA in Religious Studies. This is where he met his future partner in ministry and wife, Marthe, who encouraged him to go on a mission trip to Guatemala in 2013 for two weeks. After graduation he served as a Bible worker in Montreal for the 2016-2017 year. They still, however, strongly desired to be missionaries abroad and so in August 2017 were off to serve in South Korea, this time for two and a half years. Conducting and participating in Bible studies is one of the things that brings Michael the greatest joy. He hopes to help church members grow closer to God through Bible study, grow into a family, and serve the surrounding community as Christ did so that they too will want to join our eternal family. Michael and Marthe, along with their 14-month old son, are excited to serve with the Maritime Conference. He will be the Pastor over Pugwash, New Glasgow & Truro.


Conference Hire

Andrea Sayler's experience with Adventist Education reminds her of the intricacy and beauty of tributaries. She attended Kingsway College for high school, Canadian University College throughout her undergraduate education degree; La Sierra University for her Masters in Education. And currently, is enrolled at Andrews University, where she is completing her Ph.D. She was a  teaching principal in a small rural Adventist school and taught for PACeS in the Alberta Conference. At Loma Linda University, she promoted K-12 STEM education in Adventist classrooms. Each of these experiences story of who she is, like tributaries traversing through ecotones, eventually joining together becoming a recognizable river. Andrea is excited about the opportunity now before her. Uncovering and exploring teaching and learning opportunities with teachers, staff, and students thrills her. She is dedicated to journeying with our schools in creating and sustaining safe and equitable learning spaces. Her family intentionally chose the Maritimes to be their home and since making this decision continue to see glimpses of God’s presence. They are grateful for the love and generosity of the people in the Maritimes and the beauty within the Maritime natural setting. She looks forward to journeying alongside the people in this conference as Education Superintendent, joining the many tributaries that make up the river flowing through this conference.

Picture Description: Landon, Wren, and Andrea atop Gros Morne Mountain in Gros Morne National Park, NL, in 2020.


As our schools (Sandy Lake Academy & Precious Jewels Early Learning Centre) open SOON, we will be doing an Adventist Education MC Spotlight, Special Edition - please look for it next week!


World Church Prayer Requests
August 27, 2021

1. Pray for the thousands who have signed up for Bible studies at https://hope.study

    in the past months. 
2. Pray for the 68 Hope Channels around the world, including the latest addition, 
    Hope Channel Indian Ocean.
3. Pray for the 29,950 precious souls who were recently baptized as a result of 
    evangelistic meetings that were broadcast to over 3,000 locations by Hope 
    Channel Tanzania. 
4. Pray for those who are reaching out to Hope Channel for peace and hope as the 
    Covid pandemic continues.
5. Pray for the Fula Jalon people. Only 0.01% of the 5,759,000 Fula Jalon of Guinea 
    know Jesus. Pray for this small number of believers as they share Christ with 
    their own people.

WePray.mobi - Online Prayer Room

August 28 is enditnow emphasis day! This year, educate your church on the issues of youth violence and pornography with a special worship service program, "Bringing Peace Home," developed by NAD Women's Ministries. #enditnowNAD aims to educate church leaders and communities on how to identify and prevent abuse. Break the silence and #enditnow. LEARN MORE


Join Youth Week of Prayer each night from the North American Division Youth and Young Adult Ministries on Sept. 5-8, 7:30 p.m. ET, and Sabbath, Sept. 11, at 9:30 a.m. ET. Pastor Daniel Ortega is the main speaker; the #Built4This event will also include connect opportunities and amazing music! Watch on Facebook Live and the #OneTeamNAD YouTube channel.


Oct. 2-3, attend Addiction Recovery Facilitator Training, either in person in Glendale, Calif. or via ZOOM! This training event fulfills a portion of the three-part training course to become a "Journey to Wholeness" Facilitator. As a Facilitator for the Journey to Wholeness (JTW) program, you will be empowered with the skills, understanding, and compassion needed to help individuals who are walking the path to freedom from addictions, hurts, and habits. LEARN MORE




Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:1-2


Homemade Granola


 DF   V   VG   GF   NS                                        


There's a lot to love about this homemade granola recipe. It's easy to make, it's healthy, it's delicious, and it will make your kitchen smell amazing! RECIPE HERE!

DF - Dairy-Free
V - Vegetarian
VG - Vegan
GF - Gluten-Free
NS - Naturally Sweetened


Source: Love & Lemons
Paradise Fields


Communications Department



1. the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other method
2. the means of sending or receiving information


If your church or department has an Event, an Announcement, or Resources you'd like shared with the whole Conference, please email: teresa.ferreira@maritimesda.com.
The MC Spotlight is an official e-publication of the Maritime Conference.

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