Dear Church members and friends,
When a disaster strikes the Maritimes, who will be ready to respond? Who will be prepared to know how to help the most effectively? ADRA wants to train YOU! The conference would like a group of people they can call on to help with disasters in our provinces. Join us MAY 30, 12:00 pm - 2 PM. for ADRA's Disaster Response Training and Emergency Preparedness. Please feel free to share the poster with all you know. Church members and community members, ADRA would like to train everyone who is interested.
See you May 30!
News / Events / Resources
 Announcing the Maritime Health Contest Winners
On behalf of the Maritime Health Ministry we would like to thank all those who participated in the Steps to a Healthy You and a Healthy Me contest! Special thanks goes to Matthew Thoms, Max Izompa, Michael Iranzi (4-7 age group), Henry and Harold Enocillas and Elizabeth Niyera (8-12 age group), and Marie Nishimwe and Rosine Niyomukiza (13-18 age group) for their original creative entries. We would also like to acknowledge the entries sent in by Marielle and MriyaJoy Symonds and the Nurse Family.
 Last chance to sign up for our next online Lifestyle MED LIVE event this Sunday!
Join Dr Pekka Maatanen as we explore the link between gut, microbiome and immunity, and the lifestyle habits that will maximize your gut health. REGISTER
LIVE on May 24, 2021 7:00 PM TOOLS YOU CAN USE will feature "Grow Your Sabbath School, Grow Your Church". Methods for growing your congregation through growing your Sabbath School.
Watch on our YouTube channel at NAD Adult Ministries, on Facebook LIVE @NADAdultMIn or on our website www.nadadultministries.
 World Church Prayer Requests May 21, 2021
1. Please pray for the final days of the General Conference Global Camp meeting. 2. Pray for the ongoing 24/hour a day prayer room currently in progress. To get in on this free event, visit: https://www.2021.campmeeting.com 3. Please pray for the marriages and spouses (and personal relationships) of those in leadership. Pray that God will safeguard their homes and that they will experience a “taste of heaven on earth” as Ellen White writes. 4. Please pray for the children of our church leaders. Pray that these children and youth will come to have a deep and abiding walk with Jesus. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in China who are currently suffering under a severe wave of government restrictions when it comes to freedom of worship.