Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Maritime Conference

February 23, 2023

The MC Spotlight is an official e-publication of the Maritime Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Inc.


2023 Focus: Sowing Seeds for Heaven


2023 Children's Contest


This year we are looking for a short story submission and each entry will be judged according to age-related ability! All entries must be recieved no late than sunset Friday, March 24, 2023. For more details, contest rules, topic, and how to submit your entry, please go to

Health Ministries Website

Health Emphasis Day


Upholding Equality

In our Year of Justice, the world over, ADRA Canada engages the conversation on equality; we aim to bring a balanced perspective grounded in Biblical principal that all are created in the image of God and deserve to live as He intended. In countries where gender-based violence is common practice and girls are kept from education rights, our BRIGHT and TOGETHER projects seek to empower women and girls as integral parts of the community. Together, with your support and prayers, we seek to ensure we are Creating a Just World. For ADRA Canada resources and videos on Upholding Equality, please check this out!


ADRA Insider Podcast

ADRA Canada Insider Podcast – With your host, Teresa Ferreira, hear the incredible, life-changing stories of ADRA Canada staff and project participants from all over the world. Take an inside look at how a faith-based humanitarian organization works to serve humanity so all may live as God intended. Now LIVE on Apple Podcast and Spotify!

Apply to be a Camp Pugwash Summer Camp Staff - HERE

"Sowing Seeds for Heaven"
Camp Meeting - July 21-29, 2023


For more information:
To read how it works:

Contact us: 506-382-1222 OR




12   Health Meeting
19   Annual General Meeting
24   Maritime's Children Contest
25   Maritime Health Emphasis Day

- Summer Camp Camper Registration Opens
- Seasonal Camper Registration Opens

Related Information

MC Spotlight Archives April 14, 2022 August 16, 2022 August 9, 2022 December 6, 2022 February 1, 2023 February 25, 2022 January 4, 2023 July 7, 2022 June 2, 2022 March 11, 2022 March 21, 2023 May 10, 2023 May 17, 2023 May 18, 2023 May 24, 2022 MC Spotlight February 29, 2024 MC Spotlight, Special Edition MC Spotlight, Special Edition - ABC LISTS RESENT! MC Spotlight, Special Edition, ABC ORDER UPDATE MC Spotlight, Special Edition, SLA MC Spotlight, Special Edition, Treasurer MC Spotlight, Volume 1 MC Spotlight, Volume 10 MC Spotlight, Volume 11 MC Spotlight, Volume 12 MC Spotlight, Volume 2 MC Spotlight, Volume 3 MC Spotlight, Volume 4 MC Spotlight, Volume 4, Special Edition MC Spotlight, Volume 5 MC Spotlight, Volume 6 MC Spotlight, Volume 7 MC Spotlight, Volume 8.1 MC Spotlight, Volume 9.1 MC Spotlight, Volume 9.2 MC Spotlight: Apri 4, 2023 MC Spotlight: April 14, 2023 MC Spotlight: April 24, 2023 MC Spotlight: Campmeeting 2021 MC Spotlight: May 5, 2023 MC Spotlight:  December 11, 2023 October 13, 2022 October 26, 2023 September 18, 2022 September 21, 2022 September 25, 2022 Special Edition, ABC ORDER UPDATE Special Edition, ABC REMINDER TO ORDER Volume 13 (June 7, 2021) Volume 14 (June 28, 2021) Volume 15 (July 4, 2021) Volume 16 (August 27, 2021)