Greetings Leif, We are excited to include a Feature presentation in this MC Spotlight this week. Mission alignment across our Conference is a true picture of the God of order we serve. When people say, "everything happens for a reason", they discount the very nature of sin we find ourselves in. Yes, everything is under the watchful eye of our Father in Heaven but sin was never His choice for us. His choice was perfection, harmony and eternity. The Biblical love letter He has written for each one of us is a woven thread penned over a span of 1500 years, with 66 books and 35 authors detailing the beginning of Earth's history to the completion of eternity restored. Each author wrote at the direction of the Holy Spirit who "breathed out" Scripture to him (2 Peter 1:21 & 2 Timothy 3:16). There is definitive order and specific direction found in the pages of His Word. The harmony of the spheres, the intricate detail of all nature, the genetic composition of each DNA, the unspeakable acceptance by the God of the Universe to bend His knee to Calvary's tree - every intimate proclamation of love for humanity is a testament to the orderly nature of our God. Should His Church not hold the same resemblance?! We are each on a journey with our Maker, and we desire this Conference's journey to be one of seamless organization and precision alignment with a laser-focused Mission. For the end will come and we will be asked if we REACHED others for Jesus, taught WHOLENESS to a broken world, and baptized souls into a life of HOPE. Stay faithful to the Mission today!
 Mission Drift or Driven?
 What's Mission?
 What's Vision?
 What's Strategy?
 Developing Habits
 Launching Mission
Let's Be About God's Mission
"More than 50 years ago, computers were in their infancy, large and cumbersome. Technology was a fraction of what it Is today. The man leading the effort, Werner von Braun, was a former Nazi whose V-2 rockets obliterated London in World War II. For a while, the project seemed an exercise in futility, with von Braun and his associates locked in disagreement.
Then President John F Kennedy, in a joint session of Congress, challenged the nation to put a man on the moon “within this decade.” With that challenge ringing in their ears, 400,000 scientists, technicians, and support personnel from the United States and Canada worked together hand-in-glove to make it happen. And they got the job done several months early.
That’s the power of a mission-driven people.
When Nehemiah discovered his mission—to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls—he sprang to life, energized and ready to take on the world! The inhabitants of Jerusalem, in turn, became so enthusiastic about their new mission that they themselves became “little Nehemiahs” and completed building the walls in only 52 days!
When Jesus’ disciples, empowered by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, found their mission, that same dysfunctional band of leaders (save one) became a mission-driven force so energized that they “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6).
When church organizations today become one in spirit, working closely together, and discover the transforming power of mission, “nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them” (Genesis 11:6, NKJV). A sense of mission is an awesome power for good."
Do you desire to be Mission-driven?
To Learn More...GO HERE (Matthew 28:18-20)
Join NAD Health Ministries on Feb. 4 for "Preserving Hope," a FREE webinar toexplore the growing concern of suicide and discuss suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. We all need to understand signs of suicidal ideation, to be able to ask questions that encourage discussion, and to know where to direct individuals for specialized care. LEARN MORE and REGISTER |
Get the new book, The Exodus Journey, by Elizabeth Talbot, free with code! The book, published by Pacific Press, is about choosing trust over anxiety. It dives into Israel’s journey to the Promised Land, inviting readers to consider their own daily walk toward the heavenly Canaan, trusting God to be the Redeemer, Provider, and Guide. To get your free copy: download the Jesus 101 mobile app, click on “Book Offers”, and enter code “NAD-EJ”. Or visit to request your book today! Jesus 101 will send this completely free (U.S. and Canada, one per household). Code valid through January 31! |
Adventist Community Services presents a FREE Zoom webinar discussing principles of financial empowerment and practical tools for your ministry. ACS volunteers and anyone interested in community outreach ministry are invited to tune in Feb. 4 at 2 p.m. EST to hear presenter Colette Newer, ACS Director of Washington Conference, address why many of those who access ACS services are struggling in a cycle of poverty. LEARN MORE |