Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Maritime Conference

July 7, 2022

MC Spotlight

From this small beginning it was shown to me to be like streams of light that went clear round the world. EGW, LS 125


Reservations & Inquiries


Our Camp Pugwash season is well under way. We have had a great many requests for sites and renewals that have flooded in. Please be patient as we work on these requests. Please do not send money until you have received confirmation of your site assignment. We require all paperwork to be submitted with your payment. Please keep in mind that you are coming to a campground that has not been used in 2.5 years. The cabins are not equivalent to a hotel room and are rustic in nature. 

Many of us are working from home as we continue to prepare for Campmeeting. Please direct your messages to or as our voicemail is checked once a day. 

Thank you for your patience and prayers!


Although masks are not required, we respect and encourage those who wish to continue wearing masks to do so. We pray that as we meet at Pugwash, that everyone will respect each other, wash/sanitize their hands, cover their coughs, and take care of themselves. If, before arriving at campmeeting, you are experiencing covid symptoms or are ill, please stay home so as not to spread it to others. If you start feeling unwell during campmeeting, we encourage you to isolate so as not to make others unwell. We look forward to seeing you at our Pugwash Campmeeting!


We will be live-streaming this Campmeeting!
Stay tuned for more info and 
when we will be live.



Stay Informed!


For the most up-to-date information for Campmeeting, please see our website:

and follow our social media. During campmeeting, we 
will be using Twitter as our platform to broadcast all our annoucements and communications.


Camp Pugwash needs Volunteers

If you are able and willing to continue helping us out at the camp, whether by volunteering or by giving a donation, please contact Elder Dave Miller. There are still projects that are in need or able hands and willing hearts. Thank you!


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Maritime Conference Communications


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