The Meet Hope Pentecost 2025 Booklet is a detailed user guide that introduces individuals to our special Conference-wide evangelistic initiative. It provides information regarding the events that will be occurring within the Maritime Conference that are related to Pentecost 2025. Whether the event will be on Zoom, in-person or live-streamed for audiences to see on YouTube, there is a detailed timeline for everyone to know what events will be occurring. It also provides examples as well as a helpful worksheet that will help our churches or institutions formulate an evangelism plan for their evangelistic endeavor.
Online Resources
Ideas for Community Outreach
The following PDF is a Television Guide that will inform our audiences regarding programs that will be broadcasted by Hope Channel Canada during the fourth quarter of 2024. It also gives individuals a chance to partner with Hope Channel Canada to help support the channel by becoming an Agent of Hope.
Pentecost 2025 ABC