MC Spotlight February 29, 2024

MC Spotlight February 29, 2024 English Downloadable PDF

MC Spotlight le 29 février 2024 Français PDF téléchargeable

Maritime Conference 


What will happen if we decide to partner with organizations in our community to help others?  

As Christians we tend to want to create a ministry to meet the growing needs that are occurring in our community.  But what about the organizations that are already existing in our local areas that are helping others who are in need?  Perhaps we can be a blessing to others by partnering with those existing organizations.
This is exactly what the members of the Moncton Seventh-day Adventist Church have been doing in cooperation with the Peter McKee Food Bank.  So far in 2023, they have been responsible for conducting four food drives.  Basically, what this consisted of, was going into the community and sending notices that they would be coming by to collect donated food.  On the given date, they passed by, and picked up the donations that were left by people in the community.  They brought them to the food bank and afterwards, people came to the food bank to pick up the items they needed.
In 2021 alone, 3963 people have used the services of the Peter McKee Food Bank and in 2022, this number has immensely grown to 5588 clients.  Christine Taylor who works at the center, said that “…our client use has increased daily by an average of 25 new appointments each day.  One factor for the increase in new clients during 2022 is most likely from the influx of refugees from Ukraine and other new immigrants to Moncton. Other factors are the cancellation of covid-19 government payment programs, unemployment and the rapid inflation costs of food, rent, gas, heat, and other essential goods."
The approximate number of families benefiting from just one food drive is about 38.  This means that about 152 people will be helped for at least 3-4 days.  Those in need are welcome to use this service once a month without submitting any financial information, but if their family needs to come twice per month, then a financial statement is needed.  The maximum number of visits a family can make is twice per month.  We praise God for the powerful impact this organization has been making within the Moncton area. 
Who knows what will happen if we decide to step up and to help meet the needs of those in our community?  Perhaps a friendship will be created that will lead to someone desiring to know more about the God that we serve.  Perhaps our community will know how much we really care about the less fortunate in our area.  Perhaps Jesus will use us to make a wonderful impact in someone’s life for the better!  So far, these members have had four Food Drives for 2023 and we pray that the Lord will help them to do more in 2024.
In closing, the Spirit of Prophecy says:
“The reason why God's people are not more spiritually minded, and have not more faith, I have been shown, is because they are narrowed up with selfishness. The prophet is addressing Sabbath keepers, not sinners, not unbelievers, but those who make great pretensions to godliness. It is not the abundance of your meetings that God accepts. It is not the numerous prayers, but the right doing, doing the right thing and at the right time. It is to be less self-caring and more benevolent. Our souls must expand. Then God will make them like a watered garden, whose waters fail not.” Testimonies for the Church 2:35, 36.
Many volunteers are needed to do this great work.  We encourage you to contact for further information.

Ron Marshall   
Executive Secretary of the  Maritime Conference  

Maritime Conference

Health Ministries Department




Oak Park Seventh-day Adventist Church

Navigating Childhood in the Digital Age:  
A Spiritual Retreat with Joshua White


In the Fall of 2023, the Digby, Oak Park, and Yarmouth Churches came together for a memorable event featuring Joshua White from "A Thinking Generation." Throughout the week, Joshua's presentations in each community highlighted the critical impact of technology on children's development, focusing on the insightful "iChild" series. This culminated in a weekend retreat that brought together almost 100 attendees from across the province and beyond, including New Brunswick and PEI. Joshua's seminars on topics like "Educating Royalty" and "His Own Received Him Not" were aimed at enriching our spiritual understanding and preparing our children for the Kingdom.
The retreat was not just about learning; it was a time for family bonding and community fellowship. Attendees enjoyed a range of activities, from games to canoeing, and were treated to the culinary creations of Pamela Leonforde, a vegan chef from Yarmouth's newly opened Café Caye Mangé. The event also featured specialized children’s programming organized by the three churches, and youth programming by the dynamic Pastor Ricky Schwarz, ensuring an enriching experience for all age groups. This blend of education, spiritual growth, and community engagement made the event a cherished experience, leaving everyone eager for more. For more on Joshua White's work, visit


Donna Janda  
Oak Park Seventh-day Adventist Church   


North Sydney Seventh-day Adventist Church

Bags of Love

Although the Bags of love Program was initially started to offer comfort and support for children taken from their home, it has also reached out to others in need within the community. Six quilts were donated to patients in the dialysis unit at the Northside Hospital in order to offer them comfort as well. Altogether there are 24 dialysis patients at present, all of which we are hoping to be able to give a quilt.


On What happens when you put together quilters, crafters, artists
and readers who want to give hope to those in need?  

The Bags of Love program, in Cape Breton, came to life in the Spring of 2014. A handful of ladies with a passion for quilting and wanting to use their talents to help children in the care of Child Protective Services (CBRM).
These ladies believed that, with the help of their church family, they might be able to share their love through the quilts they made. The support has been amazing.
Unexpected help has come from as far away as Ontario through people with connections to the North Sydney church. Here in Nova Scotia, there are a number of people supporting our work by donating quilt tops and other related items.
From its inception, we have seen God's hand in this project. The support, whether financial or material has been miraculous. We have been greatly blessed. A community outreach by the North Sydney Seventh-day Adventist Church.
                                                                            The Bags
Even though the content of each “Bag” may vary to suit the needs of the child, they all contain a quilt, reading book, some art or craft item and a stuffed toy.
Part of the fun in preparing these bags is the purchasing of the items that go into them. Last Christmas there was a sale on teddy bears and since supplies were getting low, we went to purchase some. The store clerks got a kick out of us going through the store with a shopping cart piled with large teddy bears. We explained to them that it was for a charity work, and they were all smiles. We decided that perhaps we needed to take a picture of the group before they were separated into individual bags and the following picture resulted. Needless to say, it was really hard to get all of these bears to cooperate for the picture. They were a little rambunctious.
                                                                           New Directions
This year one of our church members suffered a set back and has had to go on dialysis. As a result, he got to be close to seven other people. The “Bag” ladies, realizing that they couldn't simply give him a quilt, decided to make seven others for the other members of his dialysis ward. These were just recently delivered much to the surprise of those ladies and gentlemen. There are apparently another 24 people at this time on dialysis, and the plan is to reach out to them as well.
Regardless of the project the ladies decide to take on, we realize that God is leading. In a world where so much can be going wrong it's a comfort to those who receive these quilts, whether children or adults, to know that there are members of their community who are trying to reach out with God's love. As they wrap themselves in these quilts, we would like to think that they feel God’s arms around them. Once such example is in the poem that follows, which was written by a child with help from his foster mother.

On I am scared...
I am hungry...
I feel lonely...
and so sad...  

 Why am I leaving?
Where are they taking me?
What is a foster home?
Did I do something wrong? 

I am scared...
I am hungry...
I feel lonely...
I am sad...
It's making me cold 

Why am I leaving my family behind?
I have no clothes...
I have no toys...
I have nothing with me...
What is a foster home?... 

I am still sad...
I am hungry...
It's making me cold... 

We are here?
Where is here?
What happens now?
Why am I shaking? 

I am still sad...
I am hungryIt's making me cold...
She knows my name.
She does seem kind.
They say I'll like it here...but… 

I am still sad...
I am hungry,...
It's making me cold... 

I think she likes me...
Hot soup...and...a nice bath...
She passes me some warm pyjamas... 

What's in this bag? It's Love, she says… 

Oh...a stuffie??? For me??? Just for me???
Oh...a book to read??? It's just for me???
And...Oh, this special blanket...Forever? For me?
I now have a blanket that's made by love???

She tucks me in a warm cozy bed.
She says my blanket is like a nighttime Prayer.
She wipes my tears as I...start to feel...a little better...
In this, my blanket...made for me...I am safe.
And...I am wrapped in Love.    

(poem) written with help from my foster child,
Sandi (MacQueen) Brown


Bryan Sweeney 
North Sydney Seventh-day Adventist Church   


Hello! Burman University is excited to share a new collaborative opportunity for all Seventh-day Adventist churches across Canada.

Do you want to contribute to the development of Seventh-day Adventist education by shaping the educational future of our children while also supporting your church's budget? 
Follow these simple steps!
-Register your church for the program.
-Submit the names of potential new students to Burman. 
-Motivate these students to study at Burman University.
-Earn $1,000 for each student who enrolls at Burman University.

Conditions of the Program:
-The student must take at least 12 credits (80% course load) in a bachelor's degree    or the 2-year Education after-degree program.  
-Incentives do not apply to students enroling in online programs.
-There is no limit to the number of incentives a church can receive.

Additional details:
-Register your church here today to participate in the program. Based on the     information provided, the BU promo box will be sent to your church. Burman's   advisor will contact the church representative for more details. 
-Submit the names of prospective students who will enter university in the 2024/25   academic year in the form provided. 
-You will receive confirmation from Burman University that these students are     eligible. Churches will be eligible only for students not currently in Burman's   prospective student database.
-Motivate students to request info from the Burman website.
-Receive $1,000 for your church budget after the eligible student has enroled in   their program.  

Have more questions?
Please feel free to contact Mario Parchment at or call him at 587-438-9244. He'll be happy to assist you further.
Join the program today and let's work together to fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to us and contribute to a better future for our children! 




We at the Maritimes Communication Department want to know what is going on in your church communities.  If there are any events that are happening in your churches or any wonderful testimonies that you would like to share with the rest of the conference...please email your information to before the 15th day of every month.  For example...October 15, 2024, December 15, 2024.  We look forward to hearing from you!