MC Spotlight, Volume 3


MC Spotlight

From this small beginning it was shown to me to be like streams of light that went clear round the world. EGW, LS 125




Religious Freedom and Civil Disobedience 
The events of January 6, 2021 in Washington, D.C. are a vivid illustration of the reality of civil disobedience. There are consequences for failing to abide by the law. Since the creation of the nation state, power is the currency of the political economy. Join Barry Bussey, a renowned Seventh-day Adventist lawyer, as he tells us... MORE


For the second time in 10 months, members of the General Conference Executive Committee have voted to postpone the quinquennial session of the denomination, originally scheduled for late June of 2020, due to challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. MORE

Ten Days of Prayer almost finished

As we continue to seek revival through the power of the Holy Spirit during Ten Days of Prayer, join the world Church, and as you pray, claim God’s promise as your own: “‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).CLICK HERE for more info.

Sabbath, Jan. 23, 2021, is Religious Liberty Emphasis Sabbath.

In this moment of national crisis we must uphold religious freedom like never before. For those worshipping in person, our print resources are available for DOWNLOAD. For those worshipping virtually, we’ve produced an entire religious freedom-themed virtual church service for your convenience. WATCH ONLINE. Also, REGISTER for our Sabbath afternoon, Jan. 23, LIVE “Religious Liberty and Current Events” panel from 5-6 p.m. EST. LEARN MORE about Religious Liberty Emphasis Sabbath.

Jump-start your faith in the new year with the It Is Written online series No Limits: A Life of Power.

Starting Jan. 24, Pastor John Bradshaw will share practical Bible messages to help you experience a revival in your heart, home, and church. Register and watch at Download sharing resources at

Make a difference for kids you love!

Tell children and their parents about the new website and 24/7 streaming channel, with Christ-centered programs and resources for children. In addition to stories and music, includes Bible study guides for children and youth, a kid’s Bible reading plan, coloring pages, videos, and much more. Check out LifeTalkKids sharing cardsecards, and stickers.

Learn health coaching skills with an online course from NAD Health Ministries on Jan. 24 and 31.

By using key concepts of health coaching, you can help individuals make a plan for their own health, supporting and mentoring them along the way. In this two-session course, you will learn the value of health coaching, its uses and applications, and key techniques for effective coaching. CEs available for nurses and health coaches. LEARN MORE and REGISTER.

Tune in Jan. 26 for Part 2 of NAD Adult Ministries' FREE six-part webinar series, "Digital Discipleship and Evangelism,"

featuring Digital Strategist Jamie Domm. Part 2 will stream at 7 p.m. EST on YouTube and Facebook, and will cover "The Role of Creatives," content as mission, following Jesus' example, and basics of content creation and strategy! LEARN MORE


Did you know that God has a dream for your life?
Yes, before you were bornHe had a dream for you!
God knew you before you were conceived, and He had a dream for you.
Here is the YouTube link:  God Has a Dream️ for Your Life


Mike and René Lemon thought they would share one of their tasty recipes, which is designed to make your quest to live a healthy life in this fast-paced world much easier: Overnight Oats. 

How to Help Ensure the Effectiveness of Your Face Covering

We know that wearing a face mask is important to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Now, new findings from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that wearing a mask helps protect you, the wearer, in addition to the people around you. READ MORE




Why and How to Go Plant-based in 2021

Going plant-based is one of the best decisions you can make for your health and the world. But for many, this can seem like a daunting task.
In this webinar, the health team at Pathways Lifestyle Medicine Clinics and Energy Shack Juice Bar share why you've made the right choice and how to simplify transitioning to a plant-based diet. You won't want to miss it! Invite a friend and join us! REGISTER FOR FREE - Limited Space



During Covid, Adventists along with everyone else, are being told we must follow the science and health experts. But what exactly is science? Can we really trust the experts? How should Adventists relate to science and experts during this pandemic? Join our upcoming session to explore these important questions and implications for the personal lives and health ministry of Seventh-day Adventists. REGISTER FOR FREE - Limited Space


Dr Pekka Maatanen PhD is an Assistant Professor of Biology and Scientist at Burman University. His research interests focus on the gut microbiome and health. Dr Maatanen is passionate about the Adventist message and health principles. He obtained his PhD from McGill University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.


Better Mental Health In The New Year

With the advent of the new year come resolutions. It’s the time of year when we look at what we can do to better ourselves. While improving physical health can substantially benefit happiness and health, prioritizing mental health is one of the best resolutions you can make.

Here are a few strategies from ours friends over at Nedley Health. These strategies can help you improve mood and mental wellbeing and reduce risk of mental illness.

Register for our up coming Depression Recovery Open House taking place on January 18th and 27th with Paradise Fields.



Experiences Devotional Group

WHEN:        January 22, 2021 - March 12, 2021
WHERE:      via Zoom
WHO:           You in a small group! (group size 8 to 10 people)          

Before sin tainted humanity, the original plan for perfection in Genesis 2 was to increase in relationship with God and one another in a loving and accepting environment. Let us join together to create heaven on earth.

Pastor Frank Unger - - 902.322.7232


Experiences Devotional Group

I have really enjoyed the Devotional Group.  Hearing people's experiences and testimonies of how God is working in their lives and drawing them closer to Him has been very encouraging.  Because the group is small, and privacy is emphasized, it wasn't long before it was easy to connect and share.  Our group has decided to continue meeting. If you have the opportunity to join one of Pastor Frank's groups, do it!!  You'll be glad you did.

~Erna McCann




Executive Director, HIRING

About the role   
Parker Street Food & Furniture Bank located in Halifax, Nova Scotia is seeking a passionate individual to lead this important community organization into the future. We are seeking a mission minded individual with several years of experience in leading and managing a non-profit organization and has a history of demonstrated commitment to community causes. 
The applicant is responsible for the efficient and effective operations of the Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank, including all aspects of human resource management that relate to selecting, leading and managing 

performance of staff within a team, financial management, policy development, operational planning, and risk management. The applicant must have exceptional leadership and communication skills to build and nurture constructive relationships with our diverse community of clients, donors, volunteers, employees and board members. 
If this community-minded opportunity interests you, please send a PDF version of an application and cover letter to . Applications will be accepted until 7:00pm Atlantic Standard Time on January 28th, 2021.


Digital Marketing Manager, HIRING

Southwestern Adventist University is hiring a Digital Marketing Manager. Go here for the JOB DESCRIPTION.


Men's & Women's Ministry Volunteer Directors

The Maritime Conference is looking for Men's & Women's Ministry Volunteer Directors. For a detailed job description for each role, please contact Teresa Ferreira.

If God is calling you to lead, answer the call!


Spiritual Food For Your Soul




My Life Today, EGW
Find God Through Prayer, January 15 

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12, 13. ML 19.1

There are two kinds of prayer—the prayer of form and the prayer of faith. The repetition of set, customary phrases when the heart feels no need of God, is formal prayer.... We should be extremely careful in all our prayers to speak the wants of the heart and to say only what we mean. All the flowery words at our command are not equivalent to one holy desire. The most eloquent prayers are but vain repetitions if they do not express the true sentiments of the heart. But the prayer that comes from an earnest heart, when the simple wants of the soul are expressed just as we would ask an earthly friend for a favor, expecting that it would be granted—this is the prayer of faith. The publican who went up to the temple to pray is a good example of a sincere, devoted worshiper. He felt that he was a sinner, and his great need led to an outburst of passionate desire, “God be merciful to me a sinner.” ... ML 19.2

After we have offered our petitions, we are to answer them ourselves as far as possible, and not wait for God to do for us what we can do for ourselves. The help of God is held in reserve for all who demand it. Divine help is to be combined with human effort, aspiration, and energy. But we cannot reach the battlements of heaven without climbing for ourselves. We cannot be borne up by the prayers of others when we ourselves neglect to pray; for God has made no such provision for us.... The unlovely traits in our characters are not removed, and replaced by traits that are pure and lovely, without some effort on our part.... ML 19.3

In our efforts to follow the copy set us by our Lord, we shall make crooked lines.... Yet let us not cease our efforts.... Temporary failure should make us lean more heavily on Christ. 39Bible Echo and Signs of the Times, November 1887 (The Signs of the Times, August 14, 1884). ML 19.4 

"Prayer unites us with the heart of God, inciting within us a desire for a humbled heart, which leads us to live a Spirit-filled life through Christ. Today, may you be found seeking God!" ~Teresa F.


Communications Department



1. the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other method
2. the means of sending or receiving information


If your church or department has an Event, an Announcement, or Resources you'd like shared with the whole Conference, please email:
The MC Spotlight is an official e-publication of the Maritime Conference.


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