We are having campmeeting at Pugwash this year. Yes! We are having an in-person Campmeeting. We are prayerfully working to get everything in place. Follow us on social media and visit our website for up-to-date information. More information for Campmeeting to come soon!
 Hi from Sean and Kalie Todd, your new Pugwash camp directors. We are thrilled to serve God and the Maritimes in this capacity, we are even more thrilled that this ministry gets to return to the campground in full force. After two years I'm sure that many of you, like ourselves, are desperately missing Camp Meeting and summer camps. Something you can do to help summer camp succeed this year is to join our team. If you are interested in working at summer camp, even if you can only volunteer for a week or two, please send an email to We are especially in need of waterfront and horsemanship staff. I look forward to seeing you all at Pugwash this summer. - Summer Camp Directors
Summer Camp Dates: (All camps this summer are Monday to Sunday.) Junior Camp: June 27- July 3 Teen Camp: July 4 -10 Waterski camp: July 11 - 17 Horsemanship Camp: July 11 - 17 Sports Camp: July 11- 17 Camp Meeting: July 22 - 31 Blind Camp: August 1 - 7
2022 Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that we will be having our AGM virtually on March 20, 2022. Delegates will receive their AGM packet via email.