$99 F L A S H S A L E
S U M M E R C A M P S 2021 are coming to your town for The Great Adventureexperience, and the kids in your area don't want to miss out! They are promoting a $99 F L A S H S A L E for O N E (1) whole week at Day Camp. All children welcome from ages 6-14 from the time of 9AM-4PM daily.
News / Events / Resources

Dear Friend,
On Wednesday, June 30th, residents of Lytton in British Columbia were evacuated from their homes due to a catastrophic wildfire. More than 1,000 people had to flee from the village and surrounding area as the raging flames devoured everything in their path. People were forced to leave minutes after receiving their first warning. Many left without their belongings. Families are in urgent need of food, shelter, cooling centres, and essential non-food items. ADRA, in partnership with local Seventh-day Adventist Churches, is responding to this emergency by providing food, water, temporary shelter, and psychosocial support. Plans are being made for further assistance.
The people of Lytton need your help. Give a gift today. Sincerely, Steve Matthews Executive Director
H O O P S Portrait Video: CLICK HERE
 NEW Camp Pugwash R E Q U I R E M E N T S
Please see below the NEW Camp Pugwash Seasonal RV Renters Requirements for those coming from outside the Atlantic Bubble...
The Maritime Conference will admit any and all Canadian residents at Camp Pugwash for the purpose of Seasonal RV lot rentals with the following stipulations for those coming from outside the Atlantic Bubble - all Provincial protocols for entrance requirements apply and the submission of a negative PCR test to Administration before arrival at Camp is mandatory.
 Please hold off on ANY and ALL eTransfers until our new Treasurer arrives in July. Thank you.
 World Church Prayer Requests July 2, 2021
1. Pray for believers who will be joining together for the special day of prayer this Sabbath. 2. Pray for the 24/7 United Prayer and Music Verse event, which is also to be held on this Sabbath. Starting July 2ndat 8pm Eastern Standard time, for 24 hours, we will focus our prayers on the needs of believers in India, as we pray for a heart like Jesus. (To register for this event, click here!) 3. Pray for the missionaries and Bible workers, like Mario, in South-East Asia, so they can continue to boldly share the truths of God’s Word. 4. Please pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out on members in the Euro-Asia Division as they seek to share their faith. Despite having a lot of tools for reaching cities, the work in the region of the former Soviet Union remains extremely challenging. 5. Pray for our youth literature evangelists as they spend the summer months sharing God’s truth door-to-door.