Volume 15 (July 4, 2021)

ng it was shown to me to be like streams of light that went clear round the world. EGW, LS 125




$99  F L A S H  S A L E



S U M M E R  C A M P S  2021 are coming to your town for The Great Adventureexperience, and the kids in your area don't want to miss out! They are promoting a $99 F L A S H  S A L E  for O N E (1) whole week at Day Camp. All children welcome from ages 6-14 from the time of 9AM-4PM daily.



News / Events / Resources


Dear Friend, 

On Wednesday, June 30th, residents of Lytton in British Columbia were evacuated from their homes due to a catastrophic wildfire. More than 1,000 people had to flee from the village and surrounding area as the raging flames devoured everything in their path.
People were forced to leave minutes after receiving their first warning. Many left without their belongings. 
Families are in urgent need of food, shelter, cooling centres, and essential non-food items. 
ADRA, in partnership with local Seventh-day Adventist Churches, is responding to this emergency by providing food, water, temporary shelter, and psychosocial support. Plans are being made for further assistance. 

The people of Lytton need your help. Give a gift today.

Steve Matthews
Executive Director


H O O P S  Portrait Video: 


NEW Camp Pugwash


Please see below the NEW Camp Pugwash Seasonal RV Renters Requirements for those coming from outside the Atlantic Bubble...

The Maritime Conference will admit any and all Canadian residents at Camp Pugwash for the purpose of Seasonal RV lot rentals with the following stipulations for those coming from outside the Atlantic Bubble - all Provincial protocols for entrance requirements apply and the submission of a negative PCR test to Administration before arrival at Camp is mandatory.


Please hold off on ANY and ALL eTransfers until our new Treasurer arrives in July. 
Thank you.


World Church Prayer Requests
July 2, 2021

1. Pray for believers who will be joining together for the special day of prayer this 
2. Pray for the 24/7 United Prayer and Music Verse event, which is also to be held on 
    this Sabbath. Starting July 2ndat 8pm Eastern Standard time, for 24 hours, we will 
    focus our prayers on the needs of believers in India, as we pray for a heart like 
    Jesus. (To register for this event, click here!)
3. Pray for the missionaries and Bible workers, like Mario, in South-East Asia, so they 
    can continue to boldly share the truths of God’s Word.
4. Please pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out on members in the Euro-Asia 
    Division as they seek to share their faith. Despite having a lot of tools for reaching 
    cities, the work in the region of the former Soviet Union remains extremely 
5. Pray for our youth literature evangelists as they spend the summer months sharing 
    God’s truth door-to-door.

WePray.mobi - Online Prayer Room

Celebrate freedom with LifeTalk Radio's special one-minute “Freedom” VIDEO, and enjoy this holiday weekend even more with quality programs for the whole family! Listen online at LifeTalk Radio or visit LifeTalkKIDS for shows kids will love! The free LifeTalk Radio mobile app also provides both channels. Celebrate with LifeTalk Radio ... connecting you with Christ!


Social media and free speech, COVID-19 vaccination requirements and exemptions,and LGBTQ rights at Christian colleges and universities will be focal topics at the July 3 virtual panel discussion hosted by NAD Public Affairs and Religious Liberty. Watch live from 5-6:30 p.m. EDT. To participate in the discussion, REGISTER in advance, or watch the live stream on the Liberty Magazine YouTube channel and Facebook pageREGISTER NOW


Do It Together — Sabbath School Convention 2021 is the first annual event of its kind! Sponsored by the NAD Adult, Children's and Youth ministries, the convention will focus on doing Sabbath School together. This event is designed to train leaders for in service, and to update teaching techniques andconnection with student and teacher. JOIN US on Sept. 9-11! Fee is only $20; register by Aug. 9 to receive a free swag bag.


The It Is Written Sabbath School program has launched new content for the third quarter!Host Eric Flickinger, It Is Written associate speaker, is joined by Rest in Christ quarterly authors Drs. Gerald and Chantal Klingbeil as they discuss each lesson study. The half-hour program is posted at the beginning of each week on It Is Written TV (on demand) and airs on Fridays and Saturdays on the It Is Written TV livestream. LEARN MORE


Jesus 101’s Biblical Studies audio programsare a great way to delve into the Bible and build a closer relationship with Jesus! These 15-minute studies are available Monday–Friday on the Jesus 101 mobile app, as well as iTunes, Google Play, and www.Jesus101.tv. The upcoming series, “Fear Not!” begins July 5, and encourages you to trust in Jesus in the midst of difficult circumstances. JOIN US for this exciting series!


Register for the FREE 2021 Adventist Conference on Family Research and Practice conference! This event, held July 22-24, will be facilitated virtually; this year's theme is "Forgiveness." This annual conference, held at Andrews University, is designed to provide professionals and Family Ministries leaders alike the opportunity to be exposed to best practice strategies and research in the area of Family Therapy, Family Studies, Family Ministry, Social Work, and Psychology in order to enhance ministry to families. CLICK HERE for info/to register.




O N E   M E D I A T O R


There have been sins among us as among ancient Israel, but thank God we have had an open door which no man can shut. Men may say, “I forgive all the injuries you have done to me,” but their forgiveness would not blot out one sin. But the Voice sounding from Calvary—“My son, my daughter, thy sins be forgiven thee”—is all-efficacious. That word alone has power & awakens the gratitude in the grateful heart. We have a Mediator. There is but one channel of forgiveness & that channel is ever open...through that channel a rich flood of divine mercy & forgiveness comes pouring down to us....Never shall we see & comprehend the intense anguish of the sufferings of [Jesus] until we feel how deep is the pit from which we have been delivered, how grievous the sin of which humanity is guilty & by faith grasp the full & entire pardon.  UL 219. #egw #TheUpwardLook 


For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

1 Timothy 2:5


Sugar Snap Pea & Carrot Soba Noodles


 DF   V   VG   GF                      

Let’s talk about this soba dish before I succumb to the couch. It is pretty fantastic and green, just like the fledgling leaves sprouting from the trees outside. It contains more produce than noodles, which keeps it fresh and light.
This dish is simple to make once you have the vegetables prepared and the dressing whisked up. Just bring two pots of water to boil: one for the noodles, and another for the edamame and snap peas, which you’ll cook briefly before draining. Then you just toss in the rest!See the RECIPE HERE!

DF - Dairy-Free
V - Vegetarian
VG - Vegan
GF - Gluten-Free


Source: COOKIE + kate
Paradise Fields


Communications Department



1. the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other method
2. the means of sending or receiving information


If your church or department has an Event, an Announcement, or Resources you'd like shared with the whole Conference, please email: teresa.ferreira@maritimesda.com.
The MC Spotlight is an official e-publication of the Maritime Conference.

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