Archive: April 25, 2020


I have exciting news - each Sabbath something special will be waiting for all of you to “click” on and enjoy right here! There will be a program for children ages 3 and up that I know you will like. I hope you have fun exploring each part of our program. Until next week, have a blessed Sabbath, hold your love ones close, and talk to Jesus about anything that may be on your heart.  

Ms. Lorie, Children's Ministries Director


Suggested Program for April 25


Connect and Praise

1) Welcome Video (Click to View)

2) Memory Verse Activity
View Instructions for Memory Verse Activity
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. - Matthew 5:44 (NIV)

3) Prayer Songs
Choose your favorite Sabbath School Songs to sing as a family.

4) Praise Chain
Create a paper chain of links praising God for His blessings that week. Make this a weekly activity and see how long your chain can get!


Study and Grow

This week we are focusing on loving our enemies. Click a story to enjoy seeing an enemy we are called to love...

  1.  The Story of David & Saul (Click to View)
  2.  The Story of Joshua & the City of Jericho (Click to View)
  3.  The Story of Peter & Jesus (Click to View)


Creature Feature

Elephants 101 | Nat Geo Wild (Click to View)


Craft and Do

1) Family Activity

Create David's Hideout using a ball of salt dough (view recipe). Feel free to decorate and paint as desired once the dough is baked in the oven.

2) Advanced Activities

  1. David and Saul Cube (Click for Instructions)
  2. Books of the Bible Game Brainstorm (Click for Instructions)

Related Information

Children's Ministries Archive: May 2, 2020