Mayday PRAY Day

This Sabbath, May 30, 2020 the Maritime Conference will be hosting a "Mayday" PRAY Day. We dedicate this day to fasting and prayer! As the "Mayday, Mayday" signal rings loud and clear, we are called to gather as God's people to lift Him up in prayer and praise, requesting for the in-filling of the Holy Spirit to descend upon God's people, upon our communities, upon our ministries, upon our families and upon our hearts!

A day of prayer and fasting is a form of cleansing a people from their sins, a turning of hearts back to God, and ultimately, is an expression of humility before a God who deserves all praise and edification. By the end of the day, we should be transformed by the experience.

"Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints..." (Ephesians 6:18)



12am   Prayer & Praise (Zlatan Ljuljdjurovic)
3am      Repent & Ask (Dave Miller)
6am      Seeking Forgiveness (Nicole Thorsteinson)
9am      Submit Thy Will (Métard Salomon)
12pm  Open Thine Heart (Teresa Ferreira)
3pm    Prayer & Praise (Erna McCann)
6pm    Be Watchful (Margarett Enniss-Trotman & Natalie Wilson)
9pm    Ever Faithful  (Wilma O’Dell)
12am Ever Thankful (Ed Sharpe)


Web Link:


Meeting ID: 653 370 3378
Password: PRAY4U

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