January Update


Our ABC building was one of the building that took the most damage, which has resulted in the removal of the debris and the area has been cleared off.

We are thankful that Adventist Risk Management is a company of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and that they have our best interest in mind. They have been flooded with insurance claims from the devastation Hurricane Fiona caused and they have not yet been able to complete the process regarding our Pugwash Campgrounds.

We will need to build a new ABC Building and would like to design and construct it in such a way that it is more usable beyond the week of Camp Meeting. In an effort to minimize damage to our cabins in the future, we are continuing the process of systematically pouring concrete pads under the cabins, a few at a time, until all the cabins are completed.

If you would like to make a donation towards general camp repair, the concrete pads, and/or towards a new and improved ABC building, please give through Online Giving and select Camp Development. We look forward to the 2023 Camp Pugwash Season.

God is working in might ways, join us as we watch what He will do for Pugwash in 2023.


Related Information

Hurricane Fiona